Physical Therapy Frankfurt

Welcome to Proreha!

We are a physiotherapy and rehabilitation practice centrally located in Northend Frankfurt. In our practice we treat patients with all public and private health insurances. Our team of Physiotherapists also consists of colleagues from Spain and Portugal – so in addition to German we speak other languages with you!

Please organise an appointment with us through our central number 069 / 943 191 21 or by email:

You can also make your appointment online by clicking on the following link: Make an appointment online

Our services

Here you can see our range of services. We offer specialised Physiotherapy in Frankfurt for Krankengymnastik (i.e.Physiotherapy) and KGG (Krankengymnastik am Gerät, i.e. Exercise Rehabilitation). Our team treat daily orthopaedic, musculoskeletal and traumatic problems- e.g. Back pain, Knee pain, Anterior Cruciate Ligament tears, Meniscus damage, Shoulder pain, Cartilage damage, Hip and Knee Replacements and other joint and soft tissue issues.


Physical therapy

Physiotherapy, Massages, Lymphatic drainage



Mobilisation, Stabilisation, Muscle Buidling and Massages


KGG – Krankengymnastik am Gerät

Physical Therapy with machines



Rehabilitation Outpatient Physiotherapy


Post-operative Rehabilitation

Rehab after injuries or operations


Sports injuries

Therapy after sports injuries


Backpain Rehabilitation

Courses to resolve and prevent backpain


Personal Training

Individual training sessions

In our practice we have at our disposal modern equipment and machines that allow us to treat patients requiring rehabilitation outpatient physiotherapy (e.g. prescriptions for EAP or AOTR) or post operative rehabilitation.

We complement our Physiotherapy services with Medical Fitness for independent exercisers. We also offer courses for Backpain Rehabilitation, as well as Personal Training and Gyrotonic®.

Our establishment is particularly interesting for Athletes. For many years now we have worked in close collaboration with Eintracht Frankfurt (German premier league football) and the FFC Frankfurt (German premier league ladies football). Our Physiotherapists and Sports Therapists treat these professional athletes daily, therefor providing you with a high standard of physiotherapy from which you can also benefit. If you have a sport injury, our practice is the perfect location for your treatment. Have you a physiotherapy prescription for an injury such as an Anterior Cruciate Ligament or Meniscal Tear? Then make an appointment with us now!

Physiotherapy / Krankengymnastik

When you attend for physiotherapy or ‘Krankengymnastik’ (KG), your Physiotherapist will thoroughly and systematically assess your musculoskeletal system and movement patterns for problems. With the results of this assessment and reports from your doctor etc, your physiotherapist will design your individual treatment plan.

In addition to Manual therapy which is used to mobilise and stabilise your musculoskeletal system, long term pain relief and improved movement can also be achieved through other physiotherapy techniques such as massage, lymph drainage and active training- with or without equipment.

If your physiotherapy prescription states any of the following: Hip/Knee Replacement, Lumbar Disc Bulge, Muscle Imbalance, Meniscus Damage, Frozen Shoulder, Tennis Elbow- then you are in the right place!

Post-operative Rehabilitation

Treatment after operations such as cruciate ligament repair, shoulder impingement, supraspinatus rupture, lumbar disc bulge/herniation, meniscal repair, hip and knee replacement is our speciality in Proreha. We apply our physiotherapy techniques to help mobilise the affected joint/spine and also provide long term stabilisation through strengthening the surrounding muscles. We also aim to relieve tension in the affected muscles and provide you with a sustainable rehabilitation plan.

After hospitalisation, you can begin your physiotherapy with us on presentation of a Physiotherapy/‘Krankengymnastik’ prescription or an outpatient rehabilitation prescription such as EAP or AOTR.

Appointment booking online

Online Terminvereinbarung
Terminvereinbarung bei Proreha Physiotherapie Frankfurt


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