
Do you want a course that doesn’t promise quick fixes or miracle cures, but instead gives an
honest and realistic look at the causes and solutions for painful shoulders?
Do you want a course that doesn’t promote any gimmicks, gadgets, or overly complicated
assessments or treatments, but instead recognises the complexity and uncertainty around
pain and rehab?

Do you want a no nonsense, bullshit free course that is suitable for all hardworking,
dedicated, conscientious therapists?





As a physio with a keen interest in the upper limb I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from
some of the worlds leading ‘experts’ during my 20+ years of clinical practice.
However, I found myself becoming more and more confused with the many conflicting and

complicated methods and treatments which left me feeling lost and frustrated.
So I decided to go back to basics and do the simple things really well and soon realised that
although painful shoulders are complex, their treatments don’t have to be complicated!
This widely acclaimed course is now recognised as one of the worlds leading shoulder
assessment and treatment resources, and has been taught in over 20 countries to 1000’s of
clinicians across all professions.

• This course is constantly evolving and based on the latest research but also some
simple, honest, and practical, evidence based principles that are adaptable and
transferable too many other areas.
• This course will provide you with the confidence and evidence that a simpler
approach is both effective and efficient.
• This course will provide you with an adaptable, patient centred approach, that is
interactive and practical, and gets your body working just as hard as your brain.
• This course is both informative and informal, educational and entertaining, giving lots
of tips and ideas that you can use in clinic immediately.




Adam Meakins a Specialist Physiotherapist, Sports Scientist, and Strength &
Conditioning Coach working in the NHS and private practice in the UK.
Adam has worked in many roles throughout his career, including professional sport,
and has been fortunate enough to work with, and learn from some of the worlds
leading experts.
Adam has helped a wide and diverse range of people return to full function after an
injury or episode of pain, and understands the importance of robust meaningful rehab
for all.
As a keen sportsman himself Adam also full understands the passion, dedication and
desire all athletes of all abilities have for a speedy return back to performance.