THE PAINFUL SHOULDER – Complex ≠ Complicated“




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This fun and informal two day course is designed for all therapists, regardless
of their professional titles or experience, who are looking for a patient-centred,
pragmatic, and practical approach to the assessment and management of all
painful shoulder issues.

This course aims to give all attending the confidence that doing the simple
things really well is both effective and evidence based. It also attempts to cut
through most of the bullshit and show how many of the over complicated and
confusing methods of assessment and treatments are just not needed.

However, this course doesn’t promise any miracle cures or quick fixes! Instead,
it focuses on a simple, honest, and practical approach that gives you lots of tips
and ideas that you can use immediately with all who have painful shoulders.


The Painful Shoulder Course Timetable and Objectives 2025


• Simplify the assessment, management, and treatment of the
most commonly encountered shoulder problems.

• Examine how to best assess and diagnose painful shoulders.

• Expose the common myths and misconceptions around
shoulder anatomy, biomechanics, assessments, and pathology.

• Evaluate how to best assess shoulder movement, strength,
endurance, power, proprioception, and its kinetic chain.

• Practice all levels of shoulder rehab exercises and how to
progress and/or regress rehab intensity as required.


The Painful Shoulder Course Timetable and Objectives 2025




Adam Meakins a Specialist Physiotherapist, Sports Scientist, and Strength &
Conditioning Coach working in the NHS and private practice in the UK.
Adam has worked in many roles throughout his career, including professional sport,
and has been fortunate enough to work with, and learn from some of the worlds
leading experts.
Adam has helped a wide and diverse range of people return to full function after an
injury or episode of pain, and understands the importance of robust meaningful rehab
for all.
As a keen sportsman himself Adam also full understands the passion, dedication and
desire all athletes of all abilities have for a speedy return back to performance.